Thursday, November 6, 2008

the light is raining...

this is a recap of 10/23-26:

went to NH to put a roof on a house over a weekend... Friday night, moderate drinking with my friend, the Drinking Skilled Laborer... he is adamant that 1 more beer is necessary... Saturday morning, Drinking Skilled Laborer is a mess... tear old roof off... other skilled laborer and Drinking Skilled Laborer start putting down new roof... work ends @3pm... roof isnt close to being finished in 1 day... Drinking Skilled Laborer goes back home to Arlington... Saturday night, lots of wind+heavy rain... the dining room light is raining... the chimney is raining... the entrance to the living room is raining... the kitchen ceiling is raining... fashioned some gutter work in dining room and kitchen... the rain in the house subsides... Sunday morning, work starts @10am when roof dries... make fun of Drinking Skilled Laborer all day for leaving after half-ass job... somehow, there wasnt enough ragging on Drinking Skilled Laborer... get to his house @9pm to mock him in person... spend 30 minutes ridiculing Drinking Skilled Laborer... satisfied with the abuse of Drinking Skilled Laborer and a weekend of good work, all i want is my bed and im going to get into it...


Scratch Head said...

Very well said! Exactly as it happened!

the Deck said...


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