i had started to make my lunch today when i realized i had nothing to cut my bulky roll with. i was walking out of the kitchen and back to my desk with a large breadknife that a coworker had generously donated… as i reached the entrance of the kitchen, my always-over-anxious coworker is running at full speed, he is so gunned up about having his lunch that he was running, in the office. as he turns the corner, i was exiting the kitchen towards to my desk and he ran right into me. in an effort to be polite, i excused myself, he doesnt look at me nor respond to this, so then i used sarcasm "well, you're excused too. and your welcome!" there was still no reply…
~sidenote: i believe this guy hates me because in a meeting about policy change a month ago, he hollered at me from across an 18ft long table, that he has been working here for 14 years and things have never been done this way before! this statement was yelled over the top of commentary by our coworkers praising the changes and brainstorming how to go forward implementing them. my big boss responds loudly with: "thats why This is referred to as policy change" he is is also the guy who gets so worked up, about everything, all of the time, that he stammers, all of the time~
anyway, thats just a little background on this guy, even though i wouldnt have minded and it would have been his own fault for running in the office to get to the fridge... i would have felt bad about having stabbed this guy. had i not been practicing muzzle-control with the breadknife, this is what could have happened to this guy... notice that breadknifes placement...

so in an effort to combat the inherent dangerousness of this place and to help guide my coworkers around the office safely, i want to post "walk, dont run" and "stop" signs at strategic spots and put traffic lines on the floor. much in the same manner that warehouses are laid out when heavy machinery is being used.... this way, coworkers wont run into each other when coming around the corners and spill each others items/blood. this has been on my mind for awhile and i have formulated this recommendation because of my desks location. i sit in an area of high traffic that allows me to observe these collisions as they take place, my desk resides at the corner of 2 converging walkways and there is a half-circular security mirror on the wall and i also have a direct view into the kitchen. (lots of really bad fat-guy jokes will be made here by the Triangle but its all coincidental because of assigned seating) it is a great vantage point to monitor all that goes on here and i am able to observe some of these accidents. They are always comical and when the timing is just right, i get to witness these run-ins occurring but its really starting to get dangerous and i feel like i need to do something.
just trying to do my part to keep my coworkers and myself alive and out of harms way… i mean its either put down these traffic markers or risk injuries like the below, starting at 2:12...
this is exactly why signs and lines need to be put down!
~Life is Short, Get into it~
This is a stretch - you are an absolute pussy if you think you can get hurt in your office!
Nive you tube video!
I whole-heartedly agree with Anonymous! See full comments here:
Thank you Mr Scratch Head! The only way anyone in this guys office gets hurt is when he shows up with a shot gun!
After reading up on some of his other posts I have arrived at the conclusion that the person who created this blog is a danger to society and possibly a serial killer.
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