after rereading the How-to Guide and finding nothing else new out there to preoccupy, i go to check email. on the front page, there are all kinds of different links to various interweb things to peruse. i click on the top11 lamest blogs, half-expecting to see Ramblings' up for a Lack of Content award (i guess they dont rate expired sites...) there were a couple of good ones up there that didnt deserve the Awards they got. those links follow, although these were no-where near the best i had seen on this day, there was the one full of Dull quickhits and the one about fighting Meth Ninjas... and while these provided some good reading, they just didnt quench the boredom. anyway, after diligently clicking through the rest of the Lamest to make sure we have nothing in common, i hit the back button and return to the front page. i almost skipped right to my emails and then i see a veritable cornucopia of hilarity... its a website dedicated to facilitating relations with prison inmates. i click on the link and before i know it im in stitches and my day is over. this is what captured my attention for the rest of the day:
Lonely Attractive Inmates in the USA Seek Penpals

but i must digress...
if you click around a little, you can find some absolute gems such as:
YP- prison activities: Hacky-Sack and she really likes the Cardboard Fireplace
AC- got that GED, Exotic Dancer, Nubian Princess
L- who lied about her age/pic and got removed but no worries, shes got that GED too
AT- wow, what a picture of her Tantalizing Booty, as she calls it
i dont want to ruin it for you by giving you too many highlights, you can find your own favorites... i do find it hilarious though, that the background for all the pages are chain-link, the chicks whose pics were taken in the DOC oranges and blues... if youre looking for love or companionship, this is probably the wrong place but to each their own and i would also recommend that the ones with earlier release dates are the ones to focus on... so go ahead and give your new Penpal some happiness during mailcall... just dont be shocked when, after their release, you get Dead And your house gets Robbed! so without further ado
~Life is Short, Get into it~
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