Tuesday, December 30, 2008
the Biggest Scam Going... part 2
so most of this is what stood out after some contemplation on Monday and after 4hrs of messing with interweb connection… the networking rep told me after unplugging modem and router and then plugging them back in that I was a certified technician… don’t feel any different but at least im home…
life is too short to be stuck in airports all the time!
woke up in the hotel and turned on tv to find that my luck hadn’t changed much, the satellite was knocked out due to high winds in the area… my plan was to check out at noon and hang in room till I got tossed then roam the airport till flight and it was derailed by this circumstance... so I checked out early and found a hockey bar near the gate... figured that’s a place to begin, got a burger and big beer to start the day…
i wonder if i could knock out an emu by sucker-punching it?
i was told if i didn’t leave Moline saturdaynight they couldn’t guarantee a flight out for 3-4 days… not sure being stuck in Detroit overnight is any better than that… glad I left though because I got to see a cop using a segway and seeing this reminded me of the most annoying song…
during my passes through the hotels security checkpoint, i noticed that the xray machines monitors are positioned in front of a partially-frosted glass opening in the wooden barrier. As you pass by there, you can observe what passes through the machine and since i was bored out of my mind i stopped to see what xrayed luggage looks like. after 30 seconds, the official who waves you through the metal detector, checks your id and signs your boarding pass, notices me standing there. she yells at me, “guy in the orange, keep moving” i comply but my exiting the window apparently wasn’t fast enough for her liking because she keeps yelling at me to keep moving then yells to the xray operator to stop the machine till the area is cleared… i get glares from the rest of the 5 officials and then i remark that they are stifling curiosity and reinforcing my boredom… why would they put a window in a place they want to keep so secure?
the hotel had a darkstone water-feature in the lobby, accompanying the gigantic leafy trees, which are 2storys tall and upon further review, they appear to be cannabis trees… wish i had the camera with me so i could get my picture taken in these trees so i could tell people i went to Amsterdam and found these in the countryside instead of sitting in Detroit airport this whole time…
dinner was again at hockey bar: chicken wings, fries and 2 Stripes… a buddy of mine is back on the protein and says he wants to hit the gym real hard but please don’t forget the squats…
tried to get on standby for a flight and when I asked the stewardess’ working the flight if it was full, she told me its oversold so I tell her they are all oversold and clarified my question. has everyone checked in yet for this flight? She scowls at me and I smile widely back at this stupid lowbudget elvira… she confirms my notion that all flights are full and i am lucky to have a confirmed seat on the 9:27...
i really hate flying… silver bars between black shiny vinyl-leather seats... guess they aren’t real sturdy, some lady broke through 1 waiting for her flight…
people on peoplemover moving slower than people not on peoplemover…
the lions lost all 16 games they played... ”The rest of Detroit sports laughs at them.” says the guy sitting in hotel lobby... its all cyclical he tells me and I agree. The Bs had that stigma going until this year too… as i type the Bs are now in 1st place in the Eastern Division and they are Leading the League in Wins, Points, Goals for, Tied for Goals against and are Winners of their Last 10! look at what someone put out last year because they were so bad...
got on plane at 9:50 and had no problems, my checked bag was right out in front at baggage claim counter, not sure where its been or when it got there but its here and that’s basically the 1st thing that has gone my way… out the door and found sleeves waiting to pick me up and away we went…
~Due to maintaining the increase in the interest of aviation, report the Airline for all this~
sidenote: the wife flew back yesterday and had Zero problems. im glad it was me and not her…
Have a Happy and Healthy New Years!!
Monday, December 29, 2008
the Biggest Scam Going... part 1
ive already been thru security 3x on sunday when i sat down to write this recap and running thoughts... i still have 5hrs till im supposed to board my flight. . . i have been told my seat on that flight is confirmed but ive also been told alot on this trip since it began on saturday... heres what i have going on so far...
phones got no network coverage…
cant get wifi without $10 fee…
10 dollar whiskeys…
5 dollar beers…
16 dollar cheeseburgers…
giant flat screen on wall has 2 black bars running through it, 1 in the middle of action, the other across the bottom line of football…
the airlines are the only industry where the service gets shittier and they charge you more each time you use it! i was on standby for an Oversold flight, 94 seats and the airline sold 112 seats for 1pm flight and then brought small plane in…
MECHANICAL ISSUES delayed me yesterday... missed the connection flight home by 20 minutes and was sent to 3 different gate agents to get rebooked...the 1st told us all to go to another gate to be rebooked, the 2nd agent went on break and left 15 people standing in line...the gate lady says the following “please make your excuses on me while you wait together" and walks away from us… shes a small dark-skinned peruvian lady but i still want to mess this lady up mma-style! thai clinch and drive knee through her jaw...
if that knee doesnt KO her first, i think i could probably knock her out with a flying-cow-kick...
and then i ambush the 3rd +4th to finally get some answers and vouchers… some lady behind me laughs with same frustration as I make my points to gate officials, so i state that i speak for the group…
obtained vouchers for hotelroom, dinner at hotel bar that night, breakfast and lunch in airport the following and then they rebooked me onto the 9:30 pm flight the following day, so sundaynights dinner is on me… stayed in hotel at airport last night thanks to some quick thinking by the wife, she reserved me a room while i was running in circles around that terminal... the hotel wouldn’t accept the voucher for my room so fullprice room, 4 whiskeys and a decent burger but definitely not worth fullprice...
pats won and need some help to go any further…
cowboys v jets is on now...
ive been contemplating trying to hop on the Amsterdam flight just because its leaving Detroit…
wilford brimley lookalike nearly collapses from exasperation over being canceled off of his flight because he missed his earlier connection or maybe its the Beetis...
i see both sides of the argument and that is 1 of the reasons why i have been to the counters 8 times to check in... the gateagents are all getting sick of me and that makes me happy because im sick of them too…
lots of luggagetrucks going by and then it dawns on me: no idea where my checked bag with all the presents is... the assumption is it will end up at home before me and i will check the baggage claim counter when i get in. the flight i have a seat on is the last flight tonight so if its not at the counter, it will be on the flight with me… supposedly...
old mexican dude circles the phone banks after they are used and pockets what the Hasty leave behind. i think i might start doing this also… i made a collect call when my phone had no network coverage for the last 8hrs and that 1 call cost 10 dollars…
the sun is setting and subsequently, casts vivid red and purple hues over this lovely city...
execs in business suits trying to get where they are going for mondays appointments... i hope they all get stuck... im only serious...
i keep telling the counter reps that I was supposed to be in a wedding today and had to get back to give a toast... didnt matter what i told them... everyone else had some madeup story also...
then finally some contact with world and i have never been so glad to hear this messaging alert from my phone…
now half-making plans with a friend contemplating going to see live music and i tell him i will meet him there if i can get out of here…
its now 44-3, the 4th quarter is starting and im going to get something to eat… watch tropic thunder and perhaps a flight home, maybe… caught the end of dolphins v jets, favre must be getting paid well to throw such a perfect interception…
really glad i received tropic thunder for Christmas, it passed some time… mothernature just pissed her pantsuit… im a dude, playing a dude, disguised as another dude… g5, no more frequent-flyer-bitch miles...
great movie!
~life is short, make the best of it~
sidenotes: it looks like i have to eat some crow, sort of… i told a friend of mine that the pats would make the playoffs as a wildcard, with a record of 11-5. turns out i was wrong... see how easy it is to admit when you are wrong?
and yes, even though, there arent any direct flights to get where we need to go… Scratch Head can say he told me so about taking connecting flights...
more to come after some rest and some tech support on laptop and my phone...
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
my Airplane Magazine Xmas list

~Life is Short, Get into it~
Monday, December 22, 2008
finally Plugged Back in
oh well, guess you will read this when I get plugged back in.
~Life is Short, Get into it~
postscript: written alot since last post on Weds. the following 4 posts are a chronological recap of what took place friday and into saturday.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Oh, the Weather outside is Frightful… Yeah White!
yesterday, a Storm was predicted to drop 8-10in. of the white stuff on us between 12pm-2am, with the heaviest accumulations between 4-7pm. since everyone is out there trying to do the same thing, they get jammed up and cause Ridiculous delays on the roadways. They rush out into streets when they get released from work at midday or just leave on their own so that they wont get caught out in the storm and the snow. They run around trying to prepare for the worst and clog up the city’s roads in an attempt to be the first home or the first to the store to obtain the foodstuffs that would last them for a month, just like everyone else is doing! the wife said that we got about 9-10in. in Arlington but this i cant verify since i have been unplugged and haven’t watched tv since thursday night, i don’t have the actual Snow Fall totals. it was definitely snowy and slick outside but not nearly as bad as people were predicting/worried about... the Real problem is that with everyone out on the roads, the plows cant get through to do their job which causes disabled cars, which causes longer delays and leads to people stuck on the roadways where the plows cant do their job… it’s a vicious cycle!
~life is Short, so Get out of the PlowGuys Way~
postscript: its still snowing today as we sit at the airport, some of the roads have been cleared and crews are still out plowing. im very glad our states infrastructure is so well-managed! and with all sincerity ~ Nice Work there, jj!
the Barbershop Lookout
as i arrive for the trim, i find there aren’t any spots on the rightside but the other has plenty. since i have to backtrack to the boxoffice anyway, i pull into a private parking lot and turn around. while turning around in the lot, i saw the local parking enforcement half a block to the right and he is printing out tickets at a furious pace. i wait in the lot and wait for him to pass by so i can get a spot in front of the barbershop. amazingly, in that half a block, this guy cranked out up 6 tickets. the Enforcer is now front of the barber shop setting up for his 7th when the door of the shop busts open and out flies 2 barbers, the owner of the shop plus the vehicle-next-in-lines owner. they exchange a couple of words with the ticket jockey and he pardons the patron, skipped over the vehicle and starts in on the next vehicle. i remain in the lot until the officer is 2 blocks to the left, grab an empty spot and headed into the barbershop. this is 1 of the last real Barbershops that I know of, a bastion of Manliness and Talc. where the issues of the Day are pontificated on, the employees taste in music is Questioned and where Memorabilia is hung showing professional sport team triumphs alongside the town ones. there are always a few guys just hanging out there, shooting the breeze as they seem to have nothing better to do. they also employ a Sweeper here, he keeps the floors clear from clippings but is idle until the Barbers have finished and the Cleancut have vacated the chairs.
on this day though, the Sweeper has his head poked out of the shop door (on the Owners request) the Sweeper has been keeping a vigilant eye on the truck for me, in an attempt to keep me from receiving a $100.00 ticket for: parking on the street during a snow emergency. the snow hasn’t started falling yet but I guess the Enforcers of this town are trying to meet this months quota, I mean, keep the streets clear… on my way out, tossed the Barber and my Lookout each a 5, wished everyone in there a Merry and a Happy and Healthy… and began my trek back across town.
heres your HA for today, its an old one but it still makes me laugh~
~Life is Short, Get into it~
the Show
got to the venue and i had arrived before the show started so i began drinking. figured since i had some traveling to do in the morning, i would take it easy and relax so i took a spot standing at the bar in the back of the room. the bars only about 20ft from the stage, so it became a great vantage point for various reasons ranging from being the only table on the floor of the venue, doubling as a makeshift coat-rack, a good view of the stage, a speakerphone stand and an area that has easy access to drinks. 4-5 of those and the show began. the opening act was a musician i had seen before and he did not disappoint, as usual. the show was great, some favorites were played, a new Christmas song and a shoutout to Jimmy Reed. then the Namesake of the 2nd band was called on stage to helpout with a Great tune... during this, i made a few phone calls to people that couldn’t make it and those who were on there way, couple of friends that were texting me with their travel progress. they too had taken public transportation to the show but had missed their train and drove to a different stop to catch it. then they waited copious amounts of time for the 2nd leg of their journey to begin… so i left the speakerphone on the bar and let it do its thing. ~Just trying to spread some good tunes around as best I can. Im told later that the whole train got an earful of music~
soon, the opener gave way to the headliner, a band i hadn’t seen or heard before. his Band plays the same style of toe-tapping rockandrollery as the opener. (probably why they are playing together, right) the energy in the crowd was apparent throughout the evening due to the music and everyone fighting the weather outside to get here. i had planned on only staying for a couple of tunes but before i knew it the lights were coming on and the crowd was dispersing…
Really looking forward to New Years Eve, that’s for sure!
~Life is Short, Get into it~
Walking home after Live Music Show
Ok, so for those of you that didnt know, consider this a public service and my good deed for the day. apparently, the public transportation system around here shuts down and they drop people off wherever they are at 1:15. i know this because i got stuck in town, on the wrong side of the river, with no cabs in sight nor enough cash on me to pay for a cab. i didnt want to bother the wife, so i figure i will walk home and then hoofed it from where i was marooned to a gas station 5miles away. the gas station is located on my street but in a different town. the wife calls me frantically at 2:32am wondering where i was, at which point, i told her to meet me at that gas station. we arrived at the same time, i was exhausted and fervently defending the fact that “i wasn’t as think as u drunk i am”
Lots of fun stuff on the walk home like running on the sidewalk over the bridge in hopes of catching the last bus and falling down in the snow once or breaking my self-imposed smoking ban in order to occupy some time during the walk and nearly not being able to get the 3 cigarettes that i did smoke, lit...
the best story, though, occurred after i passed by a former residence of mine. while i was walking on the snow-covered streets, i saw some guys shoveling out a car. with the wife enroute and knowing how far i had left to go, i sat down in the snow bank to rest and watch them for awhile, very thankful that i didnt have to shovel all the plowed-over snow… after 5 minutes of chuckling to myself over their ordeal, another guy emerges from the house, he is on fire, but starts helping clear off the car while yelling at the other 2: “i cant believe im out here right now, why don’t you guys just crash here? What the F, this sucks” after a minute of this, his buddy tells him to relax and that’s when he loses it. the Loud guy starts wildly swinging the snowbrush, snow is flying off the hood and he gets louder with each word he says: “youre telling me to relax, I Was relaxed. I Was inside Watching tv. Now im out Here with you A-holes. in the Cold and in this Stupid Snow!”
they laugh at this scene that is their buddys’ rant and then i also start laughing outloud. it seems like they have a good sense of humor and then i have an idea, so i approach them and offer to Trade help shoveling out for a ride home. they wonder why im just hanging around, sitting in a snowbank, and i explain that once again, I have been stranded by public trans and am slowly making my way home. without hesitation, the guy shoveling says its too far to drive 3miles down the road so i quickly turn to continue my trek and leave them with their 2ft perimeter of plowed snow around the car…
on a Bright note, my jacket is Awesome, no overheating during strenuous exercise and it provides great protection from the wind. the low temp was 19deg. with gusts of 30mph…
~Life is Short, Get into it~
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Jesse Dee performs his Christmas gift
i just found the latest from a great musician. i know some people havent heard it yet but everyone should check this and him out!
~life is short, get into it and support some live music~
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Passing Time at the Airport
~go through security and then leave the terminal and go through security again. repeat multiple times during the day to pass your time and to give those people in blue shirts something to do.
~find nearest sports bar, setup shop in hallway looking into bar to watch sports and avoid paying $8.95 for each super-weak whiskey and coke.
~disregard Nascar motif of said bar which is full of car hoods and framed photos like this
~roam around newsstand and find amazingly iced out watches like these
~spend 20 minutes contemplating whether or not to purchase 1
~save money by not buying stupid airport newstand watches
~calculate markup of snack purchased inside god-forsaken airport, heres a hint: original costX1.75
~chat with airport police detail about sporting events and their stress-filled walk from 1 end of airport to the other
~mention to guy standing next to you that your gun is bigger than the police details’ when they leave
~follow airport detail from 1 end of airport to the other
~try to figure out how the redneck Nascar bar can get away with charging $10 for a bagel and tomato sauce sandwich
~count # of drinks pilots consume while waiting to fly their plane to arrive
~formulate plan to commandeer motorcycle from airport display and run time trials in airport hallway for money
~contemplate buying hardcore porn mag to read and make travelers feel uncomfortable
~wonder if hippie chick sitting on ground nearby knows what soap is
~do a good deed: facilitate conversation between clearly-available-adult-braces lady and real-life-bubba-teeth guy for the exchange of dentist contact info
~hit up SmashCave and punish the porcelain 2x
~laugh at ridiculous-old-guy-in-blue-tracksuit who is freaking out on gate attendant as if she had caused the delays
~count on 1 hand amount of conversations being conducted in English
~restrain urge to slap stupid-boot-wearing chicks all day long
~rig water fountain with piece of chewing gum to squirt next person to use it , then sit back and wait for it…
these are things that help make flying only Slightly less painful than what happens to these people...
~Life is Short, Get into it~
Monday, December 15, 2008
Pulled over in the Driveway
when we arrived home, i park the truck in my usual spot on the hill in the driveway… (pull up just far enough that the front tires crest the edge of the driveway and this serves as another E brake…) the wife gives me some crap about pulling up to far and being completely on the lawn. in return, i tell her to get out and check where the tires are. she exits the truck and quickly clams up. from her reaction, i realize that i wasnt wrong and walked to the passenger side of the truck to start giving her the Business over it all. i kneel down on the ground to get a better view of my Amazing parking job, pointing at where the pavement meets the grass and after a minute of joking around with her, i notice that our yard is much brighter than usual. as i am standing up, a police cruiser is screeching to a halt in our driveway and the spotlight is brightly trained on our position. now, i have lived in this town for a long time and know some of the local law enforcement, so it wouldn’t have been out of the realm of possibility for an acquaintance to play a prank such as this ~in the past, i have gotten siren wales, some bluelights flashing and the Point as they drive by~ anyway, i mockingly throw my hands up in the air for a second then drop them as i begin to move forward because the cruiser door has opened and there werent any words or any directions. the officer is now out of the vehicle, which turns out to be the K9 unit and the officer has his flashlight in my eyes. the police dog is losing its mind in the back seat and the officer sharply demands to know what we are doing here! in this moment, i realize the officer isnt joking, doesn’t know me from the common perp and immediately i raise my hands again. i tell him we are going home and point to our building. he demands to see my id, i tell him its in my front right pants pocket and ask him if its ok to reach for it. he nods and he asks me: “is this is your truck that we are standing next to” as i reach for my wallet. i confirm that it is and surrender my id. at this point the wife is walking past the cop, still laughing because she thinks the officer is someone i know and this is all a joke. the officer stops her and demands to see her id as well. then he asks me if the truck is mine again and again i confirm its ownership. he gives the identification the once over and asks for the 3rd time if i was the owner of the truck. at this point, i figured he was on the lookout for some criminal who pulled back jobs with the same truck as mine or i was about to participate in a field sobriety test (which i would have passed with flying colors) it is then that the officer realizes we are being truthful, he hands us our licenses back, states that we had looked like we were up to something suspicious and he wanted to make sure we weren’t. i thank the officer for his diligence and exhort him to check anyones id that he happens to find in our driveway!
im really glad i didnt have to use my 1 phone call to leave this story on my voicemail…
~Life is Short, Get into it~
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Merry Christmas from the Family
i know its a little early but i wanted to give you your redneck xmas gift... Enjoy!
and now Robert Earl Keen Jr
~Life is Short, Get into it~
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
just like G. Love and the Special Sauce
before the meal was served and the rest of the party could join us around the table, i was talking with another guest. during the course of our brief conversation, i was asked why the wife would put ice into her red wine... i respond to this question truthfully and with no other way to phrase it, the answer came out simply: she likes cold beverages...
it was a great dinner!
~Life is Short, Get into it~
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
my Office Safety Idea
i had started to make my lunch today when i realized i had nothing to cut my bulky roll with. i was walking out of the kitchen and back to my desk with a large breadknife that a coworker had generously donated… as i reached the entrance of the kitchen, my always-over-anxious coworker is running at full speed, he is so gunned up about having his lunch that he was running, in the office. as he turns the corner, i was exiting the kitchen towards to my desk and he ran right into me. in an effort to be polite, i excused myself, he doesnt look at me nor respond to this, so then i used sarcasm "well, you're excused too. and your welcome!" there was still no reply…
~sidenote: i believe this guy hates me because in a meeting about policy change a month ago, he hollered at me from across an 18ft long table, that he has been working here for 14 years and things have never been done this way before! this statement was yelled over the top of commentary by our coworkers praising the changes and brainstorming how to go forward implementing them. my big boss responds loudly with: "thats why This is referred to as policy change" he is is also the guy who gets so worked up, about everything, all of the time, that he stammers, all of the time~
anyway, thats just a little background on this guy, even though i wouldnt have minded and it would have been his own fault for running in the office to get to the fridge... i would have felt bad about having stabbed this guy. had i not been practicing muzzle-control with the breadknife, this is what could have happened to this guy... notice that breadknifes placement...

so in an effort to combat the inherent dangerousness of this place and to help guide my coworkers around the office safely, i want to post "walk, dont run" and "stop" signs at strategic spots and put traffic lines on the floor. much in the same manner that warehouses are laid out when heavy machinery is being used.... this way, coworkers wont run into each other when coming around the corners and spill each others items/blood. this has been on my mind for awhile and i have formulated this recommendation because of my desks location. i sit in an area of high traffic that allows me to observe these collisions as they take place, my desk resides at the corner of 2 converging walkways and there is a half-circular security mirror on the wall and i also have a direct view into the kitchen. (lots of really bad fat-guy jokes will be made here by the Triangle but its all coincidental because of assigned seating) it is a great vantage point to monitor all that goes on here and i am able to observe some of these accidents. They are always comical and when the timing is just right, i get to witness these run-ins occurring but its really starting to get dangerous and i feel like i need to do something.
just trying to do my part to keep my coworkers and myself alive and out of harms way… i mean its either put down these traffic markers or risk injuries like the below, starting at 2:12...
this is exactly why signs and lines need to be put down!
~Life is Short, Get into it~
Monday, December 8, 2008
2 very good Friends, that are my Coworkers...
~life is short, joke around a-lot~
postscript: new Poll at bottom was formulated regarding gaf and dilligaf (whose meaning is below for those that dont know but isnt very family-friendly, so please, use discretion if you press play to watch the youtube movie)
Friday, December 5, 2008
a Personal Failure when Confronted by a Mustache
so we went to the grocery store to pick up some good stuff: 1/2lb of bacon, 6 eggs, box of breakfast sausages, canister of taco seasoning, 4 tomatoes, bag of taco cheese, can of olives, green onion, a box creamcheese and 10lb bag of ice. except for the ice, the lady bagging the groceries overloads all these items into 1 bag. she then looks up at me and her Mustached lip says, "if the bag breaks, its your own fault!" i was so stunned and speechless that all i could do was nod yes and walk away in disbelief of the encounter... what i shouldve responded with: "really? how about filling another bag with half the items or double-bagging this one? by choosing either one of these options, you couldve saved the breath you used to place blame on me and i wouldnt have to hold the bag awkwardly till we get home." that or something close to that... but like the others i was with, whose eye contact i could only meet with a shrug, we were all far too stunned by this interaction to comment on it till we left the store and even then there was just more disbelief that the preceding had actually taken place. 8+ days later, i still dont believe i could have effectively expressed myself if again presented with the same scenario. in hindsight though, ive realized it would have been futile to try and explain the Facts to the ladys' Mustache and im glad i just kept moving on...
Son of a Cook was completely right about how much Power the Mustache holds and now i know Real intimidation!
~Life is Short, Get into it~
Thursday, December 4, 2008
the Best Site i have seen in a Long Time
after rereading the How-to Guide and finding nothing else new out there to preoccupy, i go to check email. on the front page, there are all kinds of different links to various interweb things to peruse. i click on the top11 lamest blogs, half-expecting to see Ramblings' up for a Lack of Content award (i guess they dont rate expired sites...) there were a couple of good ones up there that didnt deserve the Awards they got. those links follow, although these were no-where near the best i had seen on this day, there was the one full of Dull quickhits and the one about fighting Meth Ninjas... and while these provided some good reading, they just didnt quench the boredom. anyway, after diligently clicking through the rest of the Lamest to make sure we have nothing in common, i hit the back button and return to the front page. i almost skipped right to my emails and then i see a veritable cornucopia of hilarity... its a website dedicated to facilitating relations with prison inmates. i click on the link and before i know it im in stitches and my day is over. this is what captured my attention for the rest of the day:

but i must digress...
if you click around a little, you can find some absolute gems such as:
YP- prison activities: Hacky-Sack and she really likes the Cardboard Fireplace
AC- got that GED, Exotic Dancer, Nubian Princess
L- who lied about her age/pic and got removed but no worries, shes got that GED too
AT- wow, what a picture of her Tantalizing Booty, as she calls it
i dont want to ruin it for you by giving you too many highlights, you can find your own favorites... i do find it hilarious though, that the background for all the pages are chain-link, the chicks whose pics were taken in the DOC oranges and blues... if youre looking for love or companionship, this is probably the wrong place but to each their own and i would also recommend that the ones with earlier release dates are the ones to focus on... so go ahead and give your new Penpal some happiness during mailcall... just dont be shocked when, after their release, you get Dead And your house gets Robbed! so without further ado http://www.meet-an-inmate.com/
~Life is Short, Get into it~
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
the Guy with Lots of Bad Shirts
you hosers have a good day, eh...
~Life is Short, Get into it~
Monday, December 1, 2008
the Drive Home ...
11/30 ~ got up at 8:30, went upstairs for breakfast, 1 pumpkin pie piece and asked to see some dolphins to round out an amazing trip to NC... on the road by 8:45 to beat the traffic. we said our goodbyes. get to airport crazy early, our flight is at 2:55 and we are checked in by 11AM... just carry-ons. we get delayed at airport long enough to see all of 1 o'clock football and into 2nd Quarter of 4:15s... finally the craft departs at 6pm. we get to stupid ny airport at 7:30. we sit in terminal, after being assured that the flight would depart asap... till the flight gets cancelled at 10:55pm (sorry about the Late phonecall Sleeves)
the wife has been monitoring the situation very closely and predicted the cancellation... as im walking ahead of her, get to a set of doors that opens up and we are going to be like the 6th in line. we are walking to the ticket counter to get rebooked for the next flight out...
and now let me be clear, i would have picked her up if i was closer but...
some pregnant ran through the door to get in line 1st... chick falls over, after brushing by the wife and hustles by me, ducks under the nyylonzip-line, tumbles forward 2 or 3 times like a cartoon and falls. she protectively curls up and lands on both hands and knees. she waves off any help and she says she is allright, i am not the 1st one to her, she a little shaken up but ok. shes on her feet and husband is now on scene, i arrive and remark she should slow down a bit... she shakes her head yes in agreement...
the wife has a rental car place on the phone, secures a vehicle (Brilliant!!!) and turns to the 2 people behind us, random Lady and some guy, "do you want to split a car to Boston?" they are eager to join the Trip. finish up at counter... cal nearly got cut in line "better step forward or hes gonna cut you..." and get to rental area. paperwork finished and the wife goes to get the car... the wife comes back with hybrid that was in the rented cars parking space, wrong car, wecouldnt leave lot... got caffeine, got suv, got route and away we go...its midnight when we get out of airport after crazy directions from vicky (the bib) and finally out of ny...
1 stop, more caffeine...From on the wife "Happy December."
cal slept alot but has sense of humor and Good idea...
barbizon ~ when the wifes relaxer didnt work, barbizon jumped into shotgun, cool chick... the wife ends up knocked out in backseat. barbizon had lots to say and was a good Travellor, kept me going with lots of stories... Runner-up Halloween Costume participant... she shouldnt have been on that flight either... she still had an hours drive to go
3:30hrs parking lot to fenway exit...
drop off cal and drop barbizon at airport
the wife wants to drive home... we get home and the wife is off to bed and i need to unwind... start writing... just in time to get this down: ...and we head for home... ...new poll@bottom... What a Day... i am finally relaxed enough to fall asleep... Good Night.
What a great bunch of Ideas today!
if we had stayed over: right now, we would be back at the terminal, waiting for more cancelled flights or over-sold AM business flights at the other airport in other stupid ny...
~Life is Short, Get into it~
Thursday, November 27, 2008
thats Strike One
then the wife rushed at me tonight... i kept my pimp-hand Strong... now the wife has a black eye... the wife wont be doing that again soon...
turns out goofing around+a slippery floor doesnt mix so well!
postscript: foto update coming soon
~Life is Short, Get into it~
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Fire Drill Improv...
its raw and raining out, im recovering from the super-cold and i havent been trained in my new role as FSM. of course, the fire alarm goes off... grab my jacket, new hat and new clipboard. i clear the office and direct co-workers to go to the rightside stairwell, down 4 flights, out through the garage and group up in the back parking lot. i make my way down the stairs, get to the bottom and demand that the people huddling under the overhang, vacate the area and find your FSM, they comply. i count the heads in my group and make small talk about how nice the weather is for this kinda thing. my big boss gives me a hard time, says when he was a FSM, he would Always have everyone back inside by now. i say, "right, im just flexing my new authority a little and purposely making you guys stand in the rain." the group laughs. then another FSM comes over and wants to know what floor im on and if i have everyone. "yes i do, 4South" 3 other FSMs come over and ask whats going on, what that guy had said and if id seen an all-clear sign? "not sure whats going on, its my 1st shift and no, i havent seen the signal but 2 fire engines just arrived so it will probably be a few more minutes" i walk around a little, just off to the side, dodging raindrops... suddenly, the lemmings start to follow each other back into the building, so i break out the 2-finger whistle. 200 people freeze and stare at me, my big boss was at the front of the charge and gives me a smirk... i ask them all if they had seen an all-clear? i get no response. "thats because there wasnt 1 yet, everyone relax awhile. i will go see whats going on and wave when its all clear." i get the all-clear wave as im walking to the front of the building and pass it on. the masses start shuffling to the doors and i take a position to hold the doors open for them. after the last of the people walk by, i get a tap on the shoulder. i spin around, my big boss is standing there and he says "good job out there!" thanks and im just glad we didnt lose anybody today...
back in the office now and the alarms arent really going off anymore but they are still making a noise, they have a beat that compels me to try and find some glow-sticks and start danc- oh thank God. the noise stopped, it was next to unbearable and it sounded something like this...
~Life is Short, Get into it~
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
so the wife and i are going on vacation tues for thanksgiving in NC
will start posting again later, earlier, if something catches me just right
how about some new followers signing in?
if you enjoy this stuff, tell your friends about it so they can read up+get ready.
~Life is Short, Get into it~
While the wife is Away4...
the super-cold has me
coughing and lots of phlegm.
watched AVP (not this 1 but ha)
had to have lunch delivered
football is on now
really glad i declined the Neighbors offer
the wife arrives at 8:30pm
gonna sit on couch till then
told her not to expect the spotless home she is used to coming home to
feel like death warmed over
wonder if Shower Beer could cure cold?
gonna watch AVP-R later
that is all
~ Life is Short, Get into it~
While the wife is Away3...
last night turned out to be pretty tame. (despite the buildup to it… just a few buddies and some drinks) then i started calling 2 of my other buddies to see if they wanted to hangout. i called obnoxiously. after 12:30am. i knew both were still awake and at home.
i relentlessly rang every number i had for tony. both vmails and the answering machine. no answer. (he called me the next morning though and wanted to know if i was in trouble last night… yeah man, i fell on a knife and bled out overnight… but since you called me back this morning, it looks like im gonna be fine. thanks for getting back to me so quick… (mmYWF) i tell him that i just wanted to hangout.
didn’t bug the BroadSlayer so much. just a couple of calls. (although when Sleeves was heading out for the night, he declined to leave me outside the BroadSlayers home like i was requesting... i was gonna wake up the Slayer and make him hangout for awhile) ive heard so much about the BroadSlayers nights-out-on-the-town but have yet to witness this Character in action...
Caveman saw him out 1 night - the Slayer=Smushed...
so today, i rise up, determined: either have the BroadSlayer take me out with him or i was going to end up shadowing his movements. the Neighbor drops by to borrow a card game, i tell him the plan and he asks me, so you aren’t going as the Wingman? i tell him i would but this could turn out to be a covert-op. he invites me out to a bar to watch football tomorrow with his buddies but i decline. not sure what the night holds…
Sleeves comes over for video golf at 3pm…
we go to the BroadSlayers home. when we arrive there, he states “if we can get him so far on the project today, he could have a few beers tonight” its saturday and with not much on the agenda, we stand there for a ½ hour, ready and waiting to give him a hand with his project. we watch him work the numbers and angles. he asks for our thoughts on what he is doing. my 3rd opinion rights him and hes back on track. once his new plan is laid out, Sleeves and i can start working. i keep encouraging the BroadSlayer to start using the saw right away! you know, just to get something started. while he is marking off the rest of his project, i bring up the idea of doing something tonight and thats when he crushes my dream…
got something lined up, he states. i tell him good luck, he asks why im disappointed and says, you just want to get smashed tonight. i say no, i just wanted to hangout with my buddies and have a few drinks. quick laugh all around. the BroadSlayer then asks us rhetorically, “how can I have beers tonight, i have to get this all done. my tenant has given me a deadline.” the BroadSlayer then follows that up with saying he never said he would have beers tonight. Sleeves and i both refute this claim and then we leave right away. on the way out, we laugh at the old dishwasher that had been in his backyard for awhile and then had made its way to the curb for all of last week and the garbage service wouldnt take it… so now, the dishwasher is on a 2wheeler and is once again in his backyard...
got home, watched a couple of movies and fell asleep on the couch.
when i awoke, i just didn’t have the same vigor as earlier in the day. hardly had the energy to pick up dinner. yup. im sick! couldn’t outrun the super-cold even with all the vit. C in the house…
another tame night:
Sleeves comes back over for Bs game+more video golf
took 12hr cold med at 10:45
talked to the wife, she is at yet another bar after dinner but very ready to come home…
12hr cold med is awesome…
watched Pred. 2(busey has compelling performance as keyes)
went to bed
thank God the Slayer had plans!!
~life is short, getting sick sucks~
Friday, November 21, 2008
4 Beers and a Post
4 beers on The Deck before my fingers freeze. got some Business accomplished today and now i type, wishing i had a coozy… wait... i think there is 1 in the bucket… nope… nah, it was in there…
some guy just missed leaving the parking lot before the hole in the traffic closed because he noticed me. we made eye contact and i got a thumbs up, i acknowledged him with a nod and a smile. he is on his way and i hope he reads this someday and wonders if that was him?
gambling went better than the time before, so i will play again…
the wife checks in.
i tell her that i got some cold medicine today but had to take a card to the pharmacist and had to sign in for it. pharmacist tells me she has to see my id before she can ring up the rest of my stuff.
the wife then tells me they don’t want you to have cold medication but people can pick up prescriptions without signing anything... worktrip is all limos and bars... ~mmYWF - i think shes just delirious~
dude in purple, aqua and pink jacket... again
i talked to tony, over the phone… (usual banter…) while walking through the competitor for the black friday run… just doing my homework looking at tvs for myself+friends… then he has an idea and i tell him i will testify for him. then I find the DSL what he is looking for also. DSL laughs at the price…
my jacket is amazing!
my fingers are chilly. took refuge in hallway but was out just long enough to see the sun drop. there are a few wispy clouds. and the night closes in… its been cold out lately, as Rambling Minds alluded to. before he stopped writing...
i hear horns and shouting out on the back of the deck.
there was a shouting match between 2 guys. there was gonna be a fight but the loud guy got back in his car and sped away from the old man who was charging the car. the old man was carrying his cane in his hand but wasnt using it to run… cane-carrier had been slow-bobbing in the crosswalk and the loud guy honked at him. the cane guy uses the crosswalk again, cane in hand, while on the phone and he rushes into his building. wish i could have gotten the whole thing on tape…
i ce has broken the candles glass in the last 2 weeks.
its cold. last beer. internets down. musics off.
i need glove liners out here.
beers done. im going in.
postscript: computer froze, had to restart it and reformat everything because Vista sucks. the house is warm and so am i… short stuff is first draft, long stuff has been revised…
5:02 Sleeves needs help
5:05 Ferns called and is gonna chip in and coming to pick me up.
on the road again…
Ferns had rented GoW2. it=FUN
1:30AM- tony called @ 11PM but was on the train and has been ever since, i guess...
~life is short and its cold outside~
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Banging into Work ~ from inception to realization
3days before the day you want off:
~stay up late the night before so you look extra wornout in morning
~make sure to shave
~start the cough at 2pm
~comment to the boss’s favorite coworker that your throat is getting sore (if you are this coworker, you should have enough goodwill garnered to just take the day off anyway, skip directly to sickday)
~mention something in passing to your superiors about a cold going around
2days before the day you want off:
~don’t shave
~arrive on time, looking a little disheveled
~start group discussion about sickness going around the office
~make sure your superior is involved in said conversation
~commence sneezing at desk or in common areas after lunch
~finish more work than usual to set up crucial next day
~stay to the final minute
1day before the day you want off:
~wear bright colors to appear washed out and pale
~don’t shave again and look extra exhausted
~before lunch, remind same coworker that you dropped the hint on 2days ago
~talk about remedies with other coworkers
~after lunch, finish the rest of the weeks work
~nose blowing should start at 1:45
~keep to yourself for the rest of day and warn all coworkers to keep it moving
~tell the supervisor that your head is in a fog but your workload is complete
~take control of situation with supervisor
- start by stating they should keep their distance because you are sick
- with eyes half-opened, alert them that you will be taking the following day off to not infect the rest of the office
- remind them that the weeks work is complete and wait for approval
- comment that you are going to try and sleep it off
- get permission to alert those that need to know electronically that night
~bang into work via email after midnight so you can sleep-in uninterrupted
~well, what you do today is up to you. you worked hard to get to this point and having manufactured a sickday, you should enjoy every moment of it.
~Be Warned - this isn’t something that can be done too often because your employer will want you to go see a dr and this will blow your whole operation.
~Disclaimer - if you leave the house to take advantage of your day off, dont go near your office. its your own fault if you get fired for being in a 5mile radius of your office. they will always catch you and I will do nothing but laugh at you for it.
i write this having completed all the necessary tasks and awaiting the end of the day.
postscript: make sure to knock off an hour early, to drive the point home!
~Life is Short, Get into it~
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
the brisket Journal
~not everything was written by me after 10pm... this is the Journal from 1st brisket on Labor day 2008~
1am – drain and rub, get fire started and soak wood
1:45 – add wood
2am – brisket@230 degrees
3:30 – add charcoal 230 degrees
4-5am – fell asleep, temp 145-150, fire is smothered (IDIOT) problem: closed vents most of the way
5:30 – new coal, temp 240 half vents
5:45 – shut-up birds + guy @ Dunkies + busses
6am – back on track, temp 230, vents ¼, laid back down, sleep
7:30 – start more charcoal, temp 210, vents wide open. Moved bed to shade
8am – with vents open temp 230 no need for charcoal, let burn for a while and drop embers in
How about a bagle and some good tunes? Deal
Let line die down a bit, Might As Well.
the Neighbor comes out to eat breakfast
8:30 – no need for embers, temp 245, vents closed
9am – temp 230, vents wide open, shook up embers, before they Fade Away.
The Dunkies line is HUGE!!
10am – still cranking, temp 230,
Broke my new temp gauge, sorry Wife! I love you + thanks but it’s gotta go back.
HA! Look at all you people struggling to get to work on time, hustling to go somewhere.
10:07 – saw a truck that would beat up DSL’s! Even the box looked tougher...
10:13 – Sleeves checking in, temp 235
chick in orange dunkies shirt nearly got splattered by large town truck
11am – still fired up, temp 220, vents wide open(it looks Amazing)
made bad mother-in-law joke
internal temp target is 185deg. to store in cooler
12pm – new coal started, temp 240, wrapped it in foil 179deg.
the wife has been kicking my ass in beer pong 2x then I swept her 3 in a row
new gadget works again and beeps. Alot!
12:30 – Sleeves arrives, temp 220, vents wide open,
the wife is cleaning
1pm – temp 240, half vents
1:30 – 186deg. placed in cooler, up to 188deg. then cooler idea fails, drops down 178deg.
1:45 – new coals and back into the Smoker
Tony was here for 20 minutes and apologized for not hanging out
2:15 – made up a story about the IceMan punching a cop & driving the cruiser into the Res.
vents wide open
3pm – IceMan cometh, temp 230, 184deg. about to close vents all the way
4:30 – vents wide open, temp 180, 188deg new coal about to go in
Srgt Boneface’s here, what a tan!!
5pm – Salon Worker and the Neighbors are here, temp 230 179deg. up from 176deg.
Beth’s chasing a dragon(harrowing day)
5:30 – DSL spins his tires and snubs us again. Temp 200, 178deg. light more coal only ¼ can
6pm – add new coal, temp 230, 177deg.
bunch of birds, called Whittle, no answer
6:01 – “Finnie loves to Smoke Meat” Srgt Boneface
6:05 – the Neighbor stares down a work truck with his dog, temp 250, 178deg.
new gadget “Its nearly done…Again”
Beened whupped in pong. All night.
6:20 – sauce ready, 188deg. vents wide open
Rag on Shepmobile
Add wood for Smoke effect on the Deck
Brisket resting
7pm – no dice on smoke effect
Srgt Boneface is doing lines of gunpowder off a superior officers desk.
7:20 – ETA on Beth 10-15 minutes, foods on though and Smoke at full Capacity
7:30 – Heidi, Heather+Steve, Scottie the Body+3dudes arrive
8:15 – Beth here, this the first time i have looked up from my plate, the food is awesome!!
8:30 – Salon Worker is back+her teacher friend shows up
9:30 – DSL & his huge Toe arrive, clear table and start pong again, Sleeves and i run the table 3x and make 5 out of 6 to close out the last game
9:45 – burnt ends into smoker+beat everyone in pong
10-11:25 – start flip cup tourney, Timmy shows up in a cab, Caveman vouches for him, turns out it was drunktimmy who grabs the wife in front of me, she jumps, i ask drunktimmy not grab her before I can, i kick a chair over in jest, we are losing a lot, then we are winning a lot, thanks drunktimmy…
11:25 – game of flip cup going on, these guys are retarded.
Brackett Brilliance wins 6-7 in a row
tough gut Shep?
11:34 – cops came, for the 1st time ever
11:45 – the wife kicked the cops out, they wanted to come over earlier
DSL+huge Toe leave, no end in sight(poor prick)
12:12 – a guest said “Finnie made the Best BBQ ever”
12:15 – “Finnie, you are the most ridiculous thing” a great friend
12:22 – “did you just breathe in some Finnie?” Shep
12:27 – Parties over, i said something stupid latenight(shocker)
a great friend+Srgt Boneface offended
Srgt Boneface throws a bottle across the street
Shep takes Srgt Boneface with him
~at 12:34 - i wrote an apology to the great friend but struck it from the record at 2pm the following day because i received a call from my great friend and she apologized “you actually made me laugh” and Srgt Boneface called me to hang out about 10 minutes later. all was forgiven and forgotten about (till now i guess)~
And that was the 1st brisket, there has been 1 other and there Will be many more…
~Life is Short, Get into it~
While the wife is Away2...
just catching the B's game with 10min left in the 2nd and so far, they have scored 4. just finishing up the brisket Journal and im going to post that after i get done here... sorry to those looking for quick ones all the time! mmYWF
when i got home from work, the night started with Sleeves and a mission: go scope out new tvs for black friday, get dinner, get Jim Beam... didnt pull the trigger on a couple of good deals and i nearly got the associate to hook Sleeves up with VIP passes for black friday sale: he mentioned something about a stack of VIP passes in the back, so i ask "how do we get those VIP Passes" he says "i cant hook you up right now" so i ask "when, then?" he waivered but didnt crack. i almost had them in the door without pulling the allnighter. (cant wait to hear about that.) Sleeves gets some good intel on store layout.
another odd Twist... we had passed a liquor store that was closed on the way up to the tv store and didnt pass another on the way home... so when Sleeves dropped me off, i got in the truck and went to the store. i got the whiskey and then on the way home, i realize i dont have any limes in the house or any dinner, so i stop at the neighborhood deli. long line, as usual, so i wander around for awhile. when i head back to the counter, i see my cousin waiting in line. he has just left from the gym and upon seeing my jacket, he tells me he doesnt wear a jacket yet, so that it wont be winter out yet! i tell him its cold outside and then i tell him about my plan of action for the night. he tells me about a website to check out for deals on tvs and declines coming over as he has 9am meetings(the truth is he doesnt like whiskey, its not for everybody) i thank him for the tip and i will pass it on. we part ways, he's off to eat creatine+hangout with an old girlfriend and i head for home with dinner and limes secured...
B's win 7-4, what a game i saw! what a game i missed!
after dinner, i filled the decanter and then the flask and made myself a second good drink in My mug. (not the bubba mug that i got for christmas though. thanks ma!) having finally finished the following brisket Journal, i cranked this post out and all the while, i listened this... and i readied myself for the next day.
~life is short, you should get into it~