Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Cough, Cough, Cough

its seems that every day there is a different person on the bus with either a cold or the flu...

they always end up sitting near me and then they begin coughing their germs right on me... you filthy Animals, Cover your Mouths when you are hacking up LungButter in Public! if you are that sick, please stay home, i really dont want what you have...

the guy today started up what sounded like a fake cough, then exited the bus, folded his hands behind him, leaned over at the waist and commenced to drop a continuous line of drool during his coughing fit... i got a great look at this string of Grotesque because the bus was at that stop for what seemed like an Eternity... the whole time the drool is glistening in the Sunlight... and the longer we were there, the more this guy convulsed and the more he shook, the more he drooled... i wasnt sure if i should vomit or call 911... finally, the bus departs and the Drooler is left to his devices in a cloud of exhaust!

it went a little like this (minus the whole smoking thing)

man, i hate the bus!

~Life is Short, Get into it~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Suck it up pussy! you need flus and colds to build up you imune system... if you did not get the acational cold from some random you would die of the common cold...Pussy!

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