do you know this guys' name?
i finally do, now(thanks to the wife) and now its your turn to wonder... for about the next 30 secondsi am listening to Stern this morning and he has the bible-thumping Baldwin on... at dinner 2 nights ago, our conversation turned to the 4th baldwin, who is(allegedly) a huge addict. but nobody knew his name... last night, after attending a birthday dinner for a great friend, i return home, the wife has some work to do and i start watching Lil' Bush. it was the episode where they have to find lil Cheney in afghanistan... at 1 point, the gang is searching around and they start talking baldwins. unfortunately, they got the 3 i knew already, alec, billy, steven and it seemed like the tv show was teasing me because before the 4th baldwin was revealed, something happened, the shows' scene changes and my moment of enlightenment was gone...
i havent been this frustrated in a long time but it turns out, its this guy. Daniel Baldwin. here is the headline i was trying to recall.
~Life is Short, Get into it~